Arrivederci, Siena
Countries I've visited
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check out these Google Hacks.I may have left out a country here or there because I don't remember all the stops, off-hand, that we made on the cruises I've been on, but hey, it's more or less accurate.
Tomorrow's my last day in la bella Siena and I'm both looking forward to getting home and sorry that it's time to go. Back to the world where, to get anywhere (except for, possibly, the mailbox, the bus stop, and Susan's house, say) you have to get into your [parents'] car and drive there. The world with computers and cellular phones and fast (compared to here) living. Sigh. But it will be good to go home finally, I think, and of course I'd like to see all my family and friends again. Can't believe no one's thought to visit me here yet. ;) *mock scoffs* Honestly. How difficult would it REALLY be to take a 9 hour flight and 2 hour bus ride and walk for 10 minutes to come visit me at my residence here? :) hehe.
Anyway, this is probably my last post from Italia -- I've got, like, 4 hours of Internet time, though, because someone left Siena yesterday and didn't need her Net time anymore. But don't worry, Mom, because I'm not gonna spend my last day and a bit using the Internet for 4 hours...
Can't think what to write now, because I have very little and very much to say and I can't decide which feeling is more dominant, so I'm just going to stop here for now. It's been good. Arrivederci Siena and hellllllo Toronto! It'll be lovely to see you...